The philosophy >


An application for authoring online help information

Just wanna start?

For an immediate start, click on Projects → Create project, create and select an empty directory and start typing your text.

HelpSetMaker is a program designed for creating help information. It is designed upon the philosophy that structured help texts should be createable in an intuitive way and with the least possible overhead. The easier it is for the author to produce the text, the better the results are.

Special care has been taken for the integration with the JavaHelp system, even though the program can be used beyond that system.

HelpSetMaker features in particular

HelpSetMaker knows of exporting the following file formats:

HelpSetMaker is distributed under the terms of the General Public License.


As you might already have asked yourself: Yes, this complete help information is done itself with the HelpSetMaker. You can see it not only as a documentation of the system, but also as an example of what is possible.

The philosophy >