< Configuring LaTeX outputRestrictions to LaTeX output >

Extended configuration with additional definitions

As LaTeX is a very complex and comprehensive system, not everything can be configured by the basic LaTeX configuration. HelpSetMaker offers therefore additional ways for configuring the LaTeX output. They are used by adding some LaTeX code snippets which are included into the created LaTeX file:

  1. It is possible to add more style file inclusions. These additional files are added after all automatically inserted \usepackage statements.

  2. Additional commands and environments can be defined. While commands can normally only be used in the document opening (see below), the environments are taken by HelpSetMaker lateron when it comes to div parts in the document. If an environment of the same name is defined in this source part, it is used to warp the contents of the div part in the HelpSetMaker source.

  3. The document opening can be defined individually. The default opening consists simply of a \maketitle, followed by a \tableofcontents. This default is left out if something else is defined individually.

Menu item for extended LaTeX configuration

The extended LaTeX configuration is entered through the menu item “Edit → LaTeX definitions”. Editing is done in a seperate window which features three editor tabs:

Editors for extended LaTeX configuration


For the time being, HelpSetMaker does not recognize if you reference any pictures in your own LaTeX code. Therefore, it does not copy them into the LaTeX working directory. You must reference these pictures either absolute or relative to the LaTeX working directory.

< Configuring LaTeX outputRestrictions to LaTeX output >